Katie Ward

I’m running this October for the 1 in 40 Australians on the autism spectrum.

I’m running 40km this October to raise funds for the estimated 1 in 40 Australians on the autism spectrum.

For those that don’t know I have autism.

It affects me every single day. It’s exhausting , it’s confusing and a times scary.

I often feel extremely alone- whilst there are many females with autism unlike males not that many females are diagnosed as children.

Interesting fact about my autism and I-

I don’t know any other females were diagnosed as children that are like me with an IQ in the normal range yet lower functional capacity. I do know quite a few males though. Every female I know was either diagnosed later or also has an intellectual disability which autism was diagnosed alongside or not long after. Autism is often diagnosed in females much later that males.

Autism is often associated with dyspraxia, dyslexia and intellectual disabilities amongst others.

The overstimulation, meltdowns, struggling to articulate day to day talk.  The misunderstanding. Noises are louder. Feeling like you belong on another planet. Been shut down speaking about my needs. Been told to act neurotypical. 


I ask that you listen to the autistic individual. Learn from the individual what we need and not ‘expert’ who doesn’t have autism. 

Accept the individual for who they are- We don’t need changing. If you think we need changing then it’s YOU who needs changing. It’s as simple as that. We need inclusion.

Many of my worst experiences have come from services and programs meant to help yet are run by someone who has no idea.I’m referring to disability employment, Centrelink, special education teachers among others shutting me down when I’ve tried to advocate for myself and my needs only to be told to be flexible. These are not safe nor inclusive environments.


What this run is doing 

Increased awareness and understanding means more people than ever are being diagnosed as Autistic – connecting more people to the support they need to thrive throughout their lives. But it also means services are being stretched further than ever before - with many children left on long wait lists at critical times in their development.

I have joined Run for autism to raise funds so more Autistic Australians can access the life-changing assessments, autism-specific education, specialist therapies and adult community services they need to create their own unique brilliance!

Any contribution, large or small, will help create a more inclusive future for Australia’s Autistic community.

Now I didn’t want to do an ordinary fundraiser- I wanted to do something a bit different and fun. 

Instead of donating say $5, $20, $50 ect do something much more exciting and donate an everyday fun item and say what it is like $7.20 an over priced coffee or $14 for a wine/ beer or $47 a naughty trip to Bunnings that you don’t want your spouse to find out about. You can either match or forgo the item/ experience.


Fun things only- 

Allowed- coffee, beer/ wine, chocolate bar, fun activities, eating out, new shoes, things you enjoy spending $$

Not allowed- petrol in car, household bills: rates, fines or other boring but essential costs of living $$


John smith 

$23 Kmart special

Thank you so much!

My Running Activity

Distance Run

1,098 KM

My Target

80 KM

Thank you for your brilliant donation


Gaynor Blankley

Naughty spend at country road



Always inspired by you Katie.


Marea Beach




Sally C

Go Katie!



Go Katie! Funky compression running socks 🧦


Aileen Brennan

You have always been an inspiration in my eyes Katie, love you to bits xx