Keeley Conlan

Run For Declan 💛

My family, friends and I are all participating in the run for autism for Declan. In October we will run 120km each throughout the month to raise awareness and funds for this fundraiser that is close to our hearts. Declan has a way of brightening the day of everyone he meets. His infectious laugh and kind heart are truly special and anyone lucky enough to know him is better for it. We are passionate about building awareness for autism because we believe autism is a gift that brings wider perspectives and strengths. Autism is not something to be "fixed"; its a different way of experiencing the world, and with a greater awareness and acceptance, we can help break down the barriers that many on the spectrum face. So help us reach our goal and raise awareness by donating or supporting our team, run for Declan on the run for autism via the link 💛

My Running Activity

Distance Run

0 KM

My Target

120 KM

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